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Shamanic Journeys

"Uni-verse" translates to "one song," where we, the dancers, synchronize our movements to the rhythm of life's beat.

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Shamanic sound journeys are immersive experiences guided by sound and rhythm. During a shamanic sound journey, participants are invited to relax and enter a meditative state while being surrounded by various sounds such as drums, rattles, flute, chimes, hand pan and vocalizations.

The journey often begins with an intention-setting ritual, where participants focus their intentions for healing, self-discovery, or spiritual growth. As the sound journey progresses, the rhythmic patterns and frequencies of the sounds help induce altered states of consciousness, allowing participants to access deeper levels of their psyche and connect with spiritual realms.

These journeys are deeply experiential and can evoke a range of sensations, emotions, and insights. Participants may experience visions, emotional release, physical sensations, or a heightened sense of awareness. The sound vibrations are believed to resonate with the body's energy centers, or chakras, promoting balance and healing on a holistic level.

Shamanic sound journeys are often used for various purposes, including personal transformation, healing trauma, connecting with spiritual guides or ancestors, and accessing higher states of consciousness. Each journey is unique to the individual, and participants are encouraged to approach the experience with openness, curiosity, and reverence for the healing power of sound.

At Atman Wellness, sound journeys are integrated into various services as standard offerings, including at the end of yoga sessions during Savasana, as well as as part of men's work or 1-1 sessions.


Atman Wellness, also offer additional shamanic experiences and group sessions...



"Embrace the power of sound to soothe the spirit, restore balance, and ignite the healing rhythms within."

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